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HT Typeface Collection Frequently Asked Questions

Updated 08-Aug-15

What font formats are supported by the HT Typeface Collection?  Both TrueType and Adobe Postscript.

What is the TrueType font format?  TrueType is a font format supported by all version of Microsoft Windows since version XP. No additional software is required to use TrueType fonts with Windows. Note: We do not support Windows RT, the tablet version of Windows 8.x.

What is the Adobe Postscript font format?  Adobe Postscript fonts are used primarily by publishing professionals because of their reliable performance with Postscript imagesetters. The Adobe Type Manager (ATM) is required to use a Postscript font with Microsoft Windows prior to XP. The ATM is provided free with many Adobe products such as PageMaker, Photoshop and Illustrator. However, Windows XP and Vista do not require ATM to support TrueType fonts.

Can the HT Typeface Collection be installed on more than one computer?  The HT Audio Typeface License Agreement allows the fonts to be installed on as many as five computers and the printers attached to them as long as they are all owned or leased by the font licensee. If the fonts need to be installed on more than five computers, we offer discounts for multiple copies of the typeface collection.

Can the HT Typeface Collection be used in publications and ads?  Yes, if all of the computers which were used to produce the article or ad have a properly licensed copy of the HT Typeface Collection. Remember that our license does not allow the typeface collection to be installed on more than one computer unless they are all owned or leased by the font licensee.

Is there a Mac version of the HT Typeface Collection?  No. We presently develop software only for the Microsoft Windows environment.


how to purchase The HT Typeface Collection is available directly from us. Click the purchase button above for information.

support policy Technical support is provided for one year to users who have purchased a software license and registered their license with us. Our preferred method of support is email. For more information, visit our Support page.

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